Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013: Important To Be Nice

Maybe I'm getting old. Ok, I KNOW I'm getting old. But you know what would be nice in 2013, IMO?


Like, let's give the snideness a rest. Ease up on the "clever sarcasm" and "biting wit." ESPECIALLY if you're 30+.

I know, it was fun as hell when we learned how to use it in our 20s by watching and reading our favorite movies and shows and books in our teens. But lets give it a break now.

Plus, we now have a generation of unfunny youth coming up who think mean humor (that becomes more of an oxymoron as you age, at least it has for me) is witty. Or maybe they think its the only humor.

If you're not getting paid to be snarky, you just sound unnecessarily mean, smugly self-satisfied and annoying much of the time. You're not smart.
You aren't George Carlin.
You're David Spade. Minus his money and fame.
And we all know that David Spade wouldn't even wanna be David Spade for free.

Yes, I do realize that that was a snide remark.
Being snide about snideness IS corny. Try not to do it.
Sometimes you can't help it, that's true. But for the most part, just let your earnestness and sincerity shine.
Leave "Daria" at home.

The takeaway: Be nice and say nice things about things in 2013.

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