What if you measured yourself by how well you kept your New Years resolutions?
Reading w/my godson was fun and tiring practice.
My wife is a superheroine - HNIC at work, planned this amazing 3 country holiday, doesn't sleep well and still gives me love that helps me be a confident king among kings. She's fragile though, bc she's exquisitely designed. And I have to take great care of her. Better care.
In about 4 months, my body will be a machine again for the first time since about a year and a half ago.
I'm gonna have some difficult conversations when I return to Doha.
I had one in America.
I lost all ties to New York as home this holiday, although it remains my favorite place and I want to return under circumstances I haven't figured out yet.
2013 was my unsexiest year in a long time. I got my sexy back over the last week or so. It was fun. Gonna shed it during the plane ride and acquire a new element over 2014.
I lied - I DO have the answers. All of them. That's what makes me StarPo. I gotta stop acting like I don't so that I can shirk responsibility.
I'm getting my shoulders fixed this year, possibly braces as well. At which point, I'll be bionic.
I don't even wanna imagine what a me at peak health, with a parent's perspective and 2 consecutive years of clarity will be like.
I do fear that moment though, when The Comedian is gunning down his pregnant mistress and I'm so detached that I don't turn the gun into goddamn snowflakes. Bc my disenchantment with people is becoming detachment.
There will be new gold chains and tattoos on me, more likely in '15.
No idea is original, but that just speaks to IDEAS. There are still many things that haven't gone from idea to conception. I may find my ideal medium this year. The art I have inside of me is too powerful to keep locked in there, only to be glimpsed on the occasional rap song.
I'm intimidated by the challenge of starting my own business. And that intimidation, a rare emotion for me, is the stimulation that is driving me.
Looking forward to "Adventure Time" on my couch.
Unpacking sucks everything.
'Everybody changes. As long as you change for the better, I don't see how anybody can be mad atcha.'
More deep breaths, don't let the illusion of time distort your efforts, small and big. You know the phrase "Take your time?" Yes. YOUR time. Let's learn to control it better. We can make 2014 feel like 30 days or 30 months, depending on what we need out of it.
All articles with plans for Knicks improvement make no sense if they don't involve a change in ownership, or how ownership thinks. It's about CULTURE, not PERSONNEL, sheesh. That's probably my biggest professional lesson of 2013.
Happy New Year folks.
Oh, and AGAIN, you owe almost no one your energy, it's not your fault that someone is dumb, save room for you, physically turn and stop engaging people at the point that they start to drain you, no relationship (besides child/spouse) obligates you to put up with ANY nonsense, a straight line is the shortest distance between 2 points so be as direct as possible, the more you are the real you, the more you'll see who else is real and that number of people will be 99% fewer than any number you can imagine, as well as shocking and hard to handle when you initially see who no longer should be in your life, YOU determine what LOVE and POSITIVITY looks/feels like, don't be pressured to accept some meme-ified idea of it. If I die this year, I would have lived enough for a book that rivals the greatest biographies, but the stuff I don't have the courage to share is much more vast, and has the deeper lessons. We mirror the universe, and the universe consists of a majority dark matter. Is it a black man thing to wonder if this will be your final year, even though you're in good health, young and stable?
Ok, that's that. Enjoy your day.